We accept donations – books and films

The Global Library at O P Jindal University gladly welcomes donations of books and films, both in physical formats such as CDs and DVDs. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive collection that caters to the diverse research and academic interests of our students, scholars, faculty, and visitors. Also, we would appreciate contributions that enhance the learning environment and offer recreational value.

With a commitment to promoting knowledge dissemination and engagement, the Global Library also takes additional steps to ensure the preservation, accessibility, and appreciation of donated materials.

Actions after receiving donations:

  • The Global Library will ensure that all donated materials are properly cataloged with various choices of access points in its Online Public Access Cataloging system, allowing users to easily locate and access the resources according to their preferences and needs.
  • If the donated materials are exceptionally unique or rare, we will provide dedicated spaces to house them as special collections, ensuring the preservation and integrity of the collections.
  • We will digitize the materials that are free from copyright and ensure broader accessibility and preservation.
  • To inform the library community and the public about the impact and value of the donations, we will share acknowledgments and information about donations in its publications, such as newsletters, websites, or annual reports.
  • We will organize exhibitions or displays that highlight the significance of the donated materials, offering the library visitors an opportunity to appreciate and learn from them.






We don’t accept

  • materials that are damaged or affected by infestations
  • mass market paperbacks (with exceptions)
  • outdated editions
  • materials which are already available in our library
  • books other than English and Indian languages
  • entertainment periodicals and magazines
  • books reproduced using photocopies
  • media in obsolete formats
  • materials that fall outside the parameters of our collection development policy